excerpt taken from Gothic Futurism.com
C:copyright by:A.Thiel(1997,1999)
Via that article a “WASP” (white Anglo-Saxon Protestant) could see and feel how it feels when you’re being confronted with messages,facts and informations “clad into” a language you don’t understand(bad schooling,education)because the populace you belong to(race,skin colour,creed etc.)isn’t considered worth equal education.....and in the end:chances,opportunities.
IF you aren’t “shocked away” by the “nonsense” of this treatise you will find some keen mind that is explaining to you some specifics related to writing(=graffiti).
RAMMELLZEE is one of the very early and few persons that had a deep understanding of the intricacies of education and writing(letters,ABC etc.)in special and how this very specific cultural tool also could be used to keep out-by ESTRANGING the writing-most of populace IF you only knew how.......
So in a way you have to “work through” his article and some others of his publications to come to some deeper understanding of his ICONOCLAST PANZERISM and how you could transform writing that it almost may be used as a “weapon” excluding person that haven’t been related to the very specific SUB-CULTURE(writing)here in question.
And-in a way-he also tells us about the(automatic)reactions of mayority of persons being confronted with writing(=graffiti)they don’t know nor understand(and via the estranged forms being afraid of so their motivation to understand even going down....)bringing about some process of repulsion that cannot be reflected and further is wedging the cohorts apart.
FEAR,and people become afraid when meeting unknown things,is the psychological intoxicant that perfectly inhibits learning processes we now know quite exactly.
He clearly is able to see how much writing could be used as a tool to keep “outsiders” at bay and even these possibilities could be enlarged.
To become able to “understand” it needs some motivated mind being able to ask questions and this also means you have to ask persons.In case of the origins of writing(New York,Los Angeles)so you had to ask people living in poor quarters and this meant the use of communication.So you had to visit these persons-writers-to become able to directly relate to them and only if trust was established you may have become “initiated”and come to some deeper,INSIDE understanding of matters here in question."
Rammellzee, Hip-Hop and Graffiti Pioneer, Dies at 49
Published: July 1, 2010 NY TIMES
"Rammellzee first became known in graffiti circles in the late 1970s for hitting the A train and other lines around Queens with his signature spiky lettering. He appeared in one of the most important graffiti and hip-hop films, Charlie Ahearn’s “Wild Style.” In 1983 his on-again-off-again friend, the painter Jean-Michel Basquiat, was involved in the production of “Beat Bop,” a 12-inch single by Rammellzee and K-Rob that became one of Rammellzee’s best-known performances and is widely considered a hip-hop touchstone; Basquiat also illustrated the record’s cover. The song plays over the closing credits in Henry Chalfant and Tony Silver’s graffiti documentary, “Style Wars.”
Rammellzee was an elusive, self-mythologizing figure who was rarely photographed without wearing one of his elaborate science-fiction-inspired masks and costumes, which he made along with the sculpture and paintings that became the mainstays of his career in later years. "
Rammellzee & Rock Steady @ Amphitheatre Wild Style Clip
R.I.P. Rammellzee: The original abstract-rapping outlaw
July 1, 2010 | 9:51 am LA TIMES Pop and Hiss Blog
RammellzeeBefore MF Doom donned a metal mask, before Cypress Hill and the Beastie Boys conquered the adenoidal vocal and street art was bound in $100 books for sale at Taschen, Rammellzee was the original train-bombing, abstract-rapping outlaw.
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